Thursday, January 27, 2011


does this kitten make you happy?
he makes me REALLY happy.
but i can guarantee that he WOULDN'T make my roommates happy.

they'd say something like, "well his eyes are all glazed over," or "his coloring is ugly"


because i have the most negative people ever who live with me!!

seriously i cant comprehend it....

i have never heard someone have so many excuses for EVERYTHING.

our landlord came over this afternoon to inform us that they were coming to clean the carpets tomorrow. (yay! how nice of them!) she then informed me that they wouldnt be doing "the sisters" rooms because they complained that they have too much stuff in their room and didnt want to move it off the carpet. (her saying this didnt surprise me in the least bit)

so i wrote a note on the white board and went to work. i expected it to be erased when i got home (every other thing i write on the board gets erased). but it was still there. and when the subject was brought up they had a lot to say about it.

their tone of voice was so incredibly negative that everyone in the room tensed up immediately.

who were they mad at....? me?

i hear 'blah blah blah......blah blah.' and feel incredibly gross as they go off about how incredibly dumb our landlord is, and then listing off everything else that is wrong with our apartment that should have been taken care of previously.

i dont mean to rant too much about this but i can such a negative person be successful in life?

....they cant.

no one wants to be around someone like that, and no employer wants to have someone like that work for them. and i dont mean this in the awful sense that it sounds, but how does someone like that find someone to marry?

i mean i feel like i still have difficulty with that, and not to be prideful, but i dont think i have THAT many things wrong with me.

they spend ALL of their time together because no one else can bear that same negativity and social awkwardness. i just hope that someday they can come to the realization that being such a downer all the time will get them nowhere.

and thats what ive learned because i learn it every time i'm forced to have some type of serious conversation with them.

be positive! because doing otherwise will be more hurtful than helpful.

and i know..i havent been so happy go lucky the last few days...but at least i try to put on a face before i interact with people. (like my landlord, who probably has just as many problems that she is dealing with like i do)

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