Sunday, May 15, 2011


there should be an infomercial about oregon.....

it would say something like this in a raised tone of voice with excitement;

"are you sad and depressed? tired? do you get tired of looking at the same old ugly scenery? then visit the wonderful, scenic oregon! its the marvelous cure all!"

cheesy, i know. but it worked for me!

when i see this, i know im home. this is foothills pear orchard. it looks over all of medford. its my favorite part of the drive.

i spent a whole week at home....and while there i hardly thought about anything that was literally plaguing me before i left. it was nice.

i felt the mist of a waterfall on my face
walked on moss carpet in the nature
went on a walk while the sun set
planted flowers in the dirt
stared at the most beautiful dogwood tree in my front yard
ate the rockefeller pizza at kaleidoscope with my favorite pizza friend
celebrated a birthday
sat in the park on a sunny afternoon just talking about life
visited my best friend and his new beautiful wife at their reception
took pictures of my beautiful sisters

i love my family.
and i love my friend who will just let me talk about life and accepts who i am.
thank you oregon.

ill be back as soon as i can.


Suzanne said...

My FAVORITE drive is on Foothill too. Just past Vilas is where is gets good. :)


gah! TAKE. me. with. you!!