Wednesday, July 13, 2011

feel this.

so you think you can dance....

mom and i sit and have deep discussions on the dancers/dances.

my little sister makes fun of us for it.

but dancing can be so amazing. that the right moves, and music can make you feel a certain emotion. awesome!

watch these....
a couple of my recent favorites:

did you see how he just lifts her up like its nothing!?

fast forward to 3:10 on the next one for the gooood part.

love it.


The Dunn's said...

Love it, love it!! Clara was making fun of us and telling Cooper about how you and I like watching and crying when we watch So You Think You Can Dance. Ya, so we're good at FEELING the music and dance! :)

The Dunn's said...

Did you notice that the two that you liked have sea/ocean themes?