Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ten buckaroos baby

i did something crazy this morning....
i woke up early, put on some ridiculous clothes, and went outside in the 23 degree weather for a jog/walk.
i know what youre thinking....'is this really lucy typing all of this?'
yup...yup it totally is. i did a SPEED walk up the hill and a jog down the hill. (go ahead...laugh) but i did it! and it felt good. (angry runs are my favorite...and really the only time i feel motivated to get out and pretend to run away from everything) i love that point when your heart gets tired but oh how it wants more of it!
the best part of my run was that at the top of the hill, i found ten bucks just layin on the ground saying "lucy, you made it! take me!"
i think if someone this morning told me as i was whining to myself in bed...'hey lucy i'll pay you ten bucks to run up the hill and back' i proooobably would have gotten my butt up a little earlier.



thatta girl!!! wooo!!! every time you are running/practicing your speed walking just imagine me cheering you on with a giant foam NO. 1 finger!!! =] you're wonderful in so many ways.

Lucy Sommer said...

haha i totally will....thanks desiree