Wednesday, February 2, 2011

after completely stuffing myself with disgusting fast food i've decided to curl up on my bed and watch a little 30 rock. i think i can feel my heart working harder after all that icky stuff.... but it sure did taste yummy. cute right? ...not so much.

...i worked two whole hours tonight. all the money i made went toward my gross dinner.

but i did feel successful today...

this morning i laid on the floor staring at the ceiling for about twenty minutes asking heavenly father to help me feel motivated to do something today.

i eventually got up and headed out to find dress pants for work. i know, it doesnt sound super productive but oddly i had to put a lot of work into it! i tried on tons of pants!

finally i walked away with TWO pair! costing me only 40 bucks! (thank you jc penny!)

that was it. thats all it took. i walked away feeling good about my day. silly i know...but the little things are a bigger deal now.

like i went to institute last night..... grateful heavenly father is patient with me. and is allowing me to rely on him.



love this!
i feel you.

most of all,
remember youre not alone.

The Dunn's said...

Keep doing good things cutie!! It will pay off!